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Support for Mobile Learning in South Africa

Support for Mobile Learning in South Africa

Acknowledging Support for Mobile Learning in South Africa

Support for Mobile Learning in South Africa

Mobile learning is thought to be limiting and that is why it is not shared in occupational learning and higher education as a priority.


Mobile learning features more prominently in the education sphere than it did a decade ago. There has been unprecedented growth in mobile learning that is tied with increased internet and platform coverage, as well as other technological improvements throughout South Africa. As mobile learning becomes more widespread, its importance grows as a vital factor for education in this country, and as this dynamic take shape, it is critical that it receives recognition from relevant authorities and receives the support that it deserves.

Mobile learning is thought to be limiting and that is why it is not shared in occupational learning and higher education as a priority. As technology evolves, m-Learning can provide learning to anyone in the country in both remote and urban areas because it uses a smartphone to provide the content and lectures, not relying on transportation or movement to an institution of learning.

This is not to say, however, that there is no interest from the authorities. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Numerous governmental and non-governmental programmes have been initiated over the last decade. A few examples are noted:

m-Learning got its first kick-start in 2009 with a project called MELFA which was a programme specifically aimed at teaching people suffering from dyslexia. In South Africa, the programme was used to teach dyslexia-suffering construction employees.

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research later developed a programme called Dr Maths. In conjunction with a local university, high school learners were able to communicate with lecturers about mathematics-related problems.

Another good example is that of bringing books to mobile phones. One such successful initiative seeks to increase literacy in South Africa by making books available in multiple languages for m-reading. This success of this initiative is significant in both South Africa and Kenya and has been active since 2010.

Of course, there are many other examples that are too numerous to mention here. Suffice it to say that they exist, and they cater to specific niches that require educational attention. Progressing from individual contributions to the theme, however, requires a broad view from the top. In this regard, it is useful to look at how South Africa implements and has implemented UNESCO's guidelines on enabling m-Learning in a national context.

UNESCO has developed guidelines to help countries develop their own approaches to m-Learning. Assessing how South Africa has responded is critical for the progress of m-Learning in this country.

Firstly, South Africa has acknowledged the importance of Open Distance Learning in supporting its education system and enacting a policy towards it (Aluko, 2017).

Secondly, several documents have been identified as being important in the field of Information and Communication Technology in terms of m-Learning. The policies were drawn up within a framework of the government's broader economic, social, and development strategy (Isaacs, 2007, in Aluko, 2017). The most important policy here is the Policy for the Provision of Distance Education in South African Universities in the Context of an Integrated Post-school System which has been enacted and has gone through the proper legislative process (Aluko, 2017).

It is important, however, to keep in mind UNESCO's guidelines with regards its policy for m-Learning. Braun and Clarke (2006, in Aluko 2017) identify ten themes that are encompassed by these guidelines:     

  1. Policy updates/creation
  2.  Training teachers
  3.  Teacher support
  4.  Developing educational content
  5.  Gender equality
  6.  Improving connectivity
  7.  Equal access
  8.  Safe and responsible use
  9.  Improved communication and education management
  10.  Awareness through advocacy, leadership and dialogue

What is clear is that these themes are compatible and even espoused by our national constitution. As such, they form a backbone for the consideration towards education that has been envisioned as being the cornerstone of South Africa as a socially progressive nation.

It is our collective responsibility as business and industry to explore opportunities for learning delivery which are progressive and most importantly accessible.   Get in touch with Omni HR Consulting, should you wish to discuss opportunities to help your organisation move to digital learning platforms.  We can support learning delivery, through our online learning platform, OmniStack, which is adaptable and accessible to most devices (including mobile) and operating systems

Contributor: Greg Beyer
Researcher at Omni Academy for Education, Training and Development


Aluko, R. 2017. "Applying UNESCO Guidelines on Mobile Learning in the South African Context: Creating an Enabling Environment through Policy" in International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, Volume 18, Number 7.

Jantjies, M. and Joy, M. "Lessons learnt from teachers’ perspectives on mobile learning in South Africa with cultural and linguistic constraints" in South African Journal of Education · August 2016

Yoza Project: (Accessed 21/04/2020)

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Part 2 of 3: Change Management – Staying on Course

Change Management Staying on Course

Change Management – Staying on Course

| Part 2 of 3 |

Change Management – Staying on Course

It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.

- Epictetus, Greek Philosopher -

As our President announced new conditions for South Africa and in particular businesses coming back from lockdown, many of us are confronted with a multitude of emotions. This pandemic continues to take us into uncharted territory. The uncertainty fuels anxiety. Our growing frustration and concern about our physical health and safety, our jobs and our economy remain a reality we have to endure for a while longer.

We can take comfort in knowing that these emotions are not only natural but also normal. Understanding and accepting these emotions allow you to still function rather than feel unsettled, due to avoidance.

Self-awareness and self-regulation are essential skills to staying on course. Ensuring we remain disciplined and adhere to lockdown regulations, especially if our goal is to safeguard ourselves, our loved ones and our future.

Self-awareness means we are conscious of our thoughts and feelings and puts us in charge of our emotions. This means that we:

  • Can make rational decisions rather than emotional ones.
  • Are able to take greater accountability for the decisions that we make.
  • Understand the consequences of our actions.

Conversely, when we lack self-awareness, we tend to be overwhelmed by our emotions which impacts on our ability to make rational decisions and control our behaviours.

Self-regulation involves controlling our thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours in pursuit of goals. It allows us to:

  • Manage disruptive impulses and moods associated with our response to this pandemic so that we can reason, rather than act emotionally. 
  • Reframe our perspective before we act, rather than acting on impulse.

The skill of self-regulation is key if we want to protect ourselves and our families by adhering to prescribed regulations for the balance of the lockdown. 

Bottom line - we need to own up and take responsibility for our actions. Through self-awareness and self-regulation, we can rationally examine and control our response to this pandemic. Should we choose to see beyond the pain and discomfort that this pandemic brings and focus on the bigger picture, we will build our resilience to not only survive this lockdown, but to face the future of our new “normal’.

Contributor: Dorothy Fernandez
Change Management Specialist at Omni HR Consulting

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Having discovered our motivation (“Why”), and laid out core principles (“How”), we finally turn to “What” we do and how it translates into business success.

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Personally, I do not believe that the traditional approach to training and development will support long-term future sustainability for either the Skills…

Internet Access and related Challenges for Mobile Learning in South Africa

Mobile Learning in South Africa

​Internet Access and related Challenges for Mobile Learning in South Africa

Many of these challenges should not be seen as problems, but opportunities for business development that serve as important avenues of enriching South African society.

- ​​​​​Excerpt -

Internet access and challenges to mobile learning in South Africa are not unique. Geographically, South Africa ranks as the 25th biggest country in the world with population centres scattered throughout the country in cities that are more spread out than their European counterparts. In addition to this, there is a large rural population.

These facts are important when considering the logistics of mobile learning. While the internet mitigates problems caused by distance, there are the logistics of internet coverage to consider, and as South Africa is still considered to be very much a country with a developing economy and infrastructure, there are many who do not benefit from internet coverage. In many areas’ bandwidth is slow or simply nonexistent.

For providers, costs versus profit have to be considered when rolling out services and for customers and potential customers, there are also significant expenditures which need to be considered. The latter is a specific obstacle especially since the consensus is that data prices in South Africa are unusually high.

Establishing internet coverage, however, brings with it a new challenge. How does one use the service? One cannot disregard the fact that there are many South Africans, especially in the rural areas who do not have the means to afford smartphones and data contracts that are capable of bringing the mobile learning experience to them. This is not a challenge that is being ignored. As of October 2019 smartphones are being produced in South Africa with the intent of being affordable for and easily accessible to lower-income groups. In this regard, it can be seen that businesses are showing significant interest in this market. Additionally, as we have seen recently, data prices have been reduced in response to legal requirements.

Of course, many other challenges also need to be taken into consideration. On the part of the provider, there is the need to factor in what kind of software to use for the mobile learning platform, and this needs to consider various things such as user-friendliness, content security and information privacy, desired learning experience, and compatibility with the user's device of choice for receiving instruction. Fortunately, there is software already developed that is free to use and can be easily accessed and downloaded. In this regard, programmers are not needed to create software from scratch. Experts are, however, required to install the software correctly and to adjust it to all the requirements. In addition to software considerations, it is also important to attend to technical support for students as well as teachers.

Many of these challenges should not be seen as problems, but opportunities for business development that serve as important avenues of enriching South African society. As the need for digital transformation grows, these services will become more necessary and more in demand. Envisioning and acting on these opportunities will no doubt be a benefit to the South African entrepreneurial market. Indeed, it can even be viewed that the current national lockdown is forcing people to explore digital options that they were reticent in investigating beforehand. In this way, the lockdown is shaping a dynamic that will end up having positive effects in this regard. Learning should continue, even during a crisis as it provides the opportunity for development during challenging times.

In a previously released opinion piece, titled: e-Learning in a new era we noted that learning in an e-Learning fashion is flexible and bypasses physical and financial barriers; e-Learning provides access – which many, under “normal” circumstances, could not afford.

Irrespective of the chosen device (mobile, desktop, tablet) a user opts for, one thing is evident – providing a learner (end-user) with options to educational avenues best suited to their circumstances and skills development needs places the learner in the centre of driving how, where and when they want to learn. We do not subscribe that learning is one-dimensional, but rather that it is complex and there we have developed OmniStack, our e-Learning platform, with blended learning models that allow for customized application.

Contributor: Greg Beyer
Researcher at Omni Academy for Education, Training and Development

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Part 1 of 3: The Importance of Self-Awareness when Adapting to Change

The importance of Self-Awareness when adapting Change

The importance of self-awareness when adapting TO change

| Part 1 of 3 |

The importance of Self-Awareness when adapting Change

Whether it is chosen or thrust upon you, change brings with it

both opportunities and turmoil.

- William Bridges -

Our world has changed dramatically!  

How we live, connect, communicate, work, socialize, worship and learn has been disrupted by a virus. As things grind to a halt, we begin to make sense of the impact this pandemic is having on our daily lives.

Humans are creatures of habit; thriving on predictability and routine helps us feel in control. Uncertainty brought on by watching the rate of infection and death toll increase daily, understandably creates anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed by this life-altering, life-threatening change.

Acknowledging the fear and dealing with the emotions associated with the impact of this virus on our current reality, is necessary if we are to adapt to this extreme change. And adapt we must if we want to survive.

So how do we adapt in the face of all this uncertainty? It starts with finding HOPE.

According to William Bridges, a well-known author and Organisational Change specialist, whether it is chosen or thrust upon you, change brings with it both opportunities and turmoil.  When change disrupts our lives, leaving a ‘big hole’ at our feet, we look for a way to ‘get over’ it. 

In his book “The Way of Transition: Embracing Life’s Most Difficult Moments” (2001), Bridges offers a pathway to navigate through difficult change called The Transition Model. This model is a three-phase process of adjusting to change – the end, the neutral zone and the new beginning.

In this case, COVID 19 is the end stage, which means letting go of comfortable patterns and habits. Lockdown has forced us to let go of our established way of life; to adjust our life patterns or face the consequence of being exposed to the virus. If our priority is to remain safe and healthy, we need to accept the situation for what it is and adapt.  

In the next phase, Bridges describes the neutral zone as ‘crossing a street’. Moving from one side of the road (the ending phase) to the other side of the road (the beginning phase). Moving away from the comfort of routine, order and certainty, to a state of ‘chaos’, disorder and uncertainty, is scary. Understanding the feelings of anxiety, distress, confusion, and the loss that you may experience are normal after letting go.

There is no clear boundary between the neutral zone and the new beginning. As you adapt to life after letting go of your old ways and establish a new routine by creating new habits, you will find different, even novel ways to adjust to your new way of life.

As you explore and experiment with different ways to adapt to your changing circumstances, your way of thinking also starts changing, looking for opportunities to ease the ‘pain’ that this change brings as you embark on your new beginning.

This pandemic was not something any of us chose. But knowing what’s at stake if we don’t, we have no choice but to adapt to our ‘new reality’.  In this unsettling time, there is an opportunity to ignite your power of HOPE and develop your level of self-awareness, allowing you to have greater control over your thoughts, feelings and behaviours when adapting to change.

Contributor: Dorothy Fernandez
Change Management Specialist at Omni HR Consulting

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Dirty Learning | The need for Exponential Transformation in the Learning Space

Dirty Learning

​​Dirty Learning:

The need for Exponential Transformation in the Learning Space

Dirty Learning

The concept of “dirty learning” is a modernised phrase to what those in the educational circles refer to as “just-in-time” or “on-demand” learning.

- ​​​Cindy Londt -

Without a doubt, there is a need for exponential transformation within the learning space in the South African construct.  How do we become open to learn and adapt from our current mindset to one that considers a holistic approach to learning even if it is delivered in a less than ‘perfect’ way?

The concept of “dirty learning” is a modernised phrase to what those in the educational circles refer to as “just-in-time” or “on-demand” learning.  What exactly does “dirty-learning” entail?

We need to consider that a less than perfect, minimum viable product (MVP), so-called “dirty learning” option is more than feasible. Perhaps less conventional, we should be considering the following options to ensure that learning truly is just-in-time for maximum benefit:

  • Training video’s shot in one take – ‘bloopers’ included.
  • Short, sharp bit-learning recorded (video or audio) in a completely organic (natural) manner.
  • Selfie videos recorded by subject matter experts, either on the job, in the car or whilst in the gym.
  • A lesson plan that includes little to no content, however, filled with activities and open discussions.
  • Access to MOOC’s (massive online open courses) that are not customised and/or company-specific.
  • A mobile device really can help with learning; you can learn when you want and how you want.

Research and Development (R&D) Managers strive to ensure that learning content is quality assured, academically sound and experiential including activities that ensure workplace application. They spend a great deal of time ensuring that intellectual property meets the training needs identified by the organisation or individuals. It stands to reason then that most R&D Managers would be rather uncomfortable with the concept of dirty learning.

The Human Capital Community is faced with unprecedented challenges to ensure learning is relevant, just-in-time, credible and allows for learning at any time or in any place. Think about the incredible speed to which some Higher Education Institutions need to adapt to ensure the academic year can be finalized; considering Online classes, YouTube watch lists or Online Graduations, to name but a few. Most of these strategies are “dirty”.

In supporting the business operation with cost-effective, rapid, credible, relevant, self-sustaining, self-directed and engaging learning content, we need to do so at every level within the organisation; department, business unit, team and individual level.  Having months of lead time for curriculum design and content development is a luxury in our current reality. Therefore, it is our collective responsibility to adapt with speed and agility without losing credibility and quality to provide relevant dirty learning to our people when they need it.

The question should not be if “dirty learning” is a viable strategy, but rather how we integrate this strategy with other strategies to ensure a holistic approach that considers all constructs of the current global environment we find ourselves in.    The need for exponential transformation within the learning space is now!  We need to evaluate and rethink our approach to learning and skills acquisition.

Get in touch with Omni HR Consulting, should you wish to discuss opportunities to help your organisation move to digital learning platforms.  We can support e-Learning delivery, through our online e-learning platform, OmniStack, which is accessible through all electronic devices, including mobile.

Contributor: ​Cindy Londt
Operations Executive at Omni HR Consulting

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The Tools of the Mobile Learning Trade

The Tools of the Mobile Learning Trade

​The tools of mobile learning trade

Switching from traditional methods of learning to that of mobile learning is a lot easier and simpler than one might imagine. It doesn't involve huge amounts of research, nor does it require businesses and potential students to pour large amounts of time and energy into learning new and difficult methods of operating.

Breaking down the requirements can be split into two categories: What the learner or potential learner needs, and what the provider needs.

From the perspective of the learner, the tools are already in place, and the list is minimal. Firstly, the learner requires a physical platform on which to receive learning. This forms the basis of mobile learning. A home computer, a laptop, or a tablet or mobile phone are the requirements. And even in South Africa, learners will have access to at least one of these. The latter being something which is already owned by much of the population is also a major factor considered by mobile learning providers.

Secondly, the learner requires a stable internet connection with the available bandwidth to watch videos or podcasts posted by the learning institution. Watching these videos need not be done in real-time. An advantage of mobile learning is that these videos can be downloaded and watched at a time that is convenient for the learner. The videos can also be streamed, which takes up less data than a full download. In addition to this, the learner will need a decent data plan for them to receive the content provided.

From the perspective of the provider, several things must also be considered as requirements. Obviously, a mobile learning program cannot be run without instructional designers. Teachers are required to teach, and administration staff are required to handle the program administration.

Another important aspect is the need for a software platform that is designed for mobile learning. There are many platforms that exist to fulfil this function, and many of these platforms are free. They come with a myriad function for the purpose. These platforms are not simply ways of sharing videos and podcasts. They provide the ability for student feedback. Students can send in essays, take part in quizzes, attend chat sessions and several other functions that mirror traditional methods of learning instruction, but also go beyond the capabilities of traditional modes of learning. The opportunity to be able to track the interaction of learning is available on most platforms, which provides critical data like learner interaction time.

In addition to the above, what is needed the most is the will to learn and the will to educate! And these, are in no short supply in this country. Because of this, we can be confident that mobile learning opportunities will increase significantly in the years to come.

Now is the time for organisations and individuals to evaluate and rethink their approach to learning and skills acquisition. We have a powerful learning tool within the palm of our hands!

Get in touch with Omni HR Consulting, should you wish to discuss opportunities to help your organisation move to digital learning platforms.  We can support e-Learning delivery, through our online e-learning platform, OmniStack, which is accessible through all electronic devices, including mobile.

Contributor: Greg Beyer
Researcher at Omni Academy for Education, Training and Development

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Having discovered our motivation (“Why”), and laid out core principles (“How”), we finally turn to “What” we do and how it translates into business success.

Most companies and people know “how” they do what they do. A carpenter knows how to sand wood. Similarly, a company knows how it sells its product. The “How” …

Personally, I do not believe that the traditional approach to training and development will support long-term future sustainability for either the Skills…

e-Learning in a New Era: Time, Money and Flexibility

​e-Learning in a new era: Time, Money and Flexibility

​​e-Learning is dynamic in its ability to provide education easily, and in so doing, bypasses a lot of physical and financial barriers which inhibit learners and potential learners from accessing quality education.

- ​​​​​Excerpt -

Current international developments are moving the world of business into uncharted territories in ways that are unprecedented in the modern era. At this point, it is easy to say that we have never been here before. As such, the need to be able to accurately predict the market is greater than it has ever been before. Nowhere is this more important than in the realm of education. The excess of factors associated with this sphere has just been added to by elements that bring with them several unknowns.

Presently, many of us are working from home. What this means for production still needs to be seen. In a way, it can be seen as a trial run for various mobile/electronic-based models of doing business and opens the dialogue for more flexible time management for businesses as well as employees. In the educational sphere, it is already established. Studying from home (or anywhere outside the classroom) is a dynamic that exists on an international level, and is particularly successful in many areas.

With the lockdown being experienced globally, there is no better time to do an online course and use this time constructively. There are various online courses available, which can help to further skills and knowledge.

The benefits of e-Learning are apparent not just for learners/students, but also for educational institutions that provide the service. An important factor that is addressed is the factor of time management. Students no longer need to be in a specific place at a specific time. Uploaded lectures can be watched at any point in time. The convenience of this cannot be overstated. Many people work 9-5 jobs that don't allow them the time to attend to traditional educational advancement. e-Learning provides people with educational access outside of traditional working hours. This flexibility not only benefits the learner, but also creates resilience from an economic perspective, and is thus beneficial for the educational provider.

Unlike traditional methods of education, once the lecture is uploaded, it stays uploaded. It doesn't simply exist in the past. Learners can therefore not only access the lecture at any point in time, but they can also watch the lecture as many times as they like, with the ability to skip through parts they already understand and pay more careful attention to the parts with which they struggle.

Another important benefit is the cost-effectiveness of e-Learning for both the learner as well as the education provider. For the provider, there is no need for large venues to be maintained, and costs involved in looking after learners' physical needs are also mitigated. For learners, the costs of accommodation, travel, and learning materials such as textbooks, are reduced, or in many circumstances, completely erased.

The main takeaway from the above points is that e-Learning is dynamic in its ability to provide education easily, and in so doing, bypasses a lot of physical and financial barriers which inhibit learners and potential learners from accessing quality education.

The main key to addressing the factors of 'time' and 'money' for both learners and educational institutions is flexibility. In a new age of uncertainty as well as technological development, inflexible dynamics will perish, while those that can adapt stand the greatest chance of thriving.

Skills development in an online space, which is interactive and allows for skills practice through activities is a versatile way to replicate the classroom experience. Our online learning platform,
Omni Stack hosts a variety of online skills development solutions.

Take a moment to consider how you will set yourself apart, by taking charge of your learning by going online today and visiting our

Contributor: Greg Beyer
Researcher at Omni Academy for Education, Training and Development

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Having discovered our motivation (“Why”), and laid out core principles (“How”), we finally turn to “What” we do and how it translates into business success.

Most companies and people know “how” they do what they do. A carpenter knows how to sand wood. Similarly, a company knows how it sells its product. The “How” …

Personally, I do not believe that the traditional approach to training and development will support long-term future sustainability for either the Skills…

Part 2 | From the Desk of the MD – Creativity

From the Desk of the MD​

Lize Moldenhauer

From the Desk of the MD - COVID-19

Part 2 | COVID-19 Lockdown - Time to Change Our Mindset

​“CEO’s across a variety of industries have identified Creativity as one of the most desired leadership qualities for the future” according to Michael. A. Roberto, in his book – Unlocking Creativity.

​How does this statement not ring true! With the unprecedented challenges that COVID-19 and the associated Lockdown has brought, it requires us as leaders to think outside the box – heck we don’t even have a box anymore!

On the evening of the 23rd of March 2020, most business leaders in South Africa braced themselves for what we knew would be the inevitable instruction from our President. We salute President Cyril Ramaphosa for the courageous decision he has made under very trying circumstances.

Now more than ever, all our Leadership skills will be put to the test. We have entered an era of heightened balance between People vs Business sustainability and not to mention the impact that the Moody’s downgrade of South Africa’s credit rating to junk or sub-investment grade will have on us.

This era will require leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs to work collaboratively with various stakeholders; to be creative in the way we strategise business stability and viability under extremely volatile circumstances and the ethics which will govern our decision making.


I personally don’t think anyone has the answers. I think the answers lie in our ability to Collaborate, work with Co-Operative Competition strategies to remain Agile and adapt with Speed, as Change is the one constant within our current business context.

Omni HR Consulting (OMNI) has been one of the fortunate businesses that could by close of business on Thursday the 26th of March, move all staff off-site and resume business by Friday morning via remote virtual teams. We acknowledge, this is not possible for all entities or industries.

What has enabled us to adapt swiftly is our 18-month investment into Digital Transformation Strategies (DTS) deployed across our business. We have been extremely fortunate as our investment into DTS has been welcomed by our staff, clients and learners.

In the book ‘Exponential Organisations’ Salim Ismail (the author) talks about the corporate immune system. He writes:

"The organisation’s immune system will go on overdrive to attack and disarm any disruptive innovation or new element threatening to change how the organisation’s body currently functions."

Engaging the full immune system is so crucial when implementing strategies that could be viewed or experienced as disruptive or threatening. This highlights OMNI’s robust immune system that has seen creativity and innovation as a boost and not as a threat. Our immune system (staff, clients and learners) have curiously and actively engaged with the creative and innovative strategies linked to our digital transformation.

Collectively we have been able to pilot, run test-cases, do project research and implement MVP (minimal viable product) strategies over the last 18-months. Some of these strategies include:

  1. Learning and development solutions that allow for dirty learning, distance, remote, virtual and e-Learning.
  2. Self-directed learning culture for time of CHANGE and VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity).
  3. ACORN - a leadership and change management approach to support a different way of approaching how organisation’s and their people do business and learn.
  4. Virtual Learning Support provides an opportunity for structured online support and progress checks with a subject-matter expert/coach for individuals who are completing learning pathways.

None of this would have been possible without the entire immune system engaged and committed to transformation, thank you!

​We look forward to our continued engagement and commitment to change as the future of disruption it seems is here to stay. My team and I are here to support, so feel free to reach out for a virtual coffee-chat.

​My encouragement to you today is let’s go beyond the box! Even in this time of uncertainty and disruption

With Regards,
Lize Moldenhauer

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Having discovered our motivation (“Why”), and laid out core principles (“How”), we finally turn to “What” we do and how it translates into business success.

Most companies and people know “how” they do what they do. A carpenter knows how to sand wood. Similarly, a company knows how it sells its product. The “How” …

Personally, I do not believe that the traditional approach to training and development will support long-term future sustainability for either the Skills…

Part 1 | From the Desk of the MD – COVID-19

From the Desk of the MD - COVID-19

Lize Moldenhauer

From the Desk of the MD - COVID-19

Please notewe are now in level 3 of the national lockdown. 

We have eased back into office, with several team members still operating remotely. We are however fully functional and ready to assist you!

Part 1 | ​​Time of unprecedented uncertainty

In the current climate of volatility, it is important to ensure that “short-term-ism” is not our strategy. We need to consider various scenarios to ensure long term survival especially in light of the challenges that presents itself with the current global health crisis and the associated impact on the global economic and social construct of our time. As leader I want to give you my personal guarantee that our collective aim at Omni is to work with you in ensuring we assist in whatever way possible to curb the potential impact of delayed strategies and operational implementation plans. One thing is sure, the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is forcing us to do things differently. Agile strategies and creative solutions are required for us to navigate the uncertainty. Omni has over the past 18-months developed digital transformation strategies specifically to deal with the needs that a time like this will force us to recognise. Our intent was for a more long-term view and paced implementation in line with sector or industry maturity, however at Omni we have realised that to support you, as a valued client, we need to engage and collaborate proactively so that we are able to help navigate these turbulent waters. The specific strategies that we are able to implement immediately are:

  1. ​Current learning and development solutions have contingencies to allow for distanceremote and e-learning. Our operations team will assist in planning and adapting implementation plans in line with your organisational strategies for the short term, to ensure long term goals are still achieved.

  2. Support internal Learning and Development to enable self-directed learning culture in this time of volatility.

  3. Masterclasses on ACORN - a leadership and change management approach to support the different way of approaching how organisations and their people do business and learn.

  4. Face-to-face training will continue with specific contingencies in line with your needs. Please refer to operational support protocol.

  5. Virtual Learning Support will be provided to all clients. Please refer to IT support protocol.

  6. Migration of face-to-face learning to virtual learning. Please engage our Operational Executive, Cindy Londt ([email protected]) for support and collaboration

​I believe our biggest ally is co-operation and collaboration. We need to provide support and open lines of communication so that we can aid each other in this uncertain time to the benefit of all parties. Our success lies in your success and as we have seen over the past few weeks, we are a delicate Eco-system that requires us to operate with the bigger picture in mind.

​Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns.

With Regards,
Lize Moldenhauer

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Perceptions of being a contractor in the ETD field

​Perceptions of being a contractor in the ETD field

​Perceptions of being a contractor in the ETD field

​Perceptions of being a contractor in the ETD field

​79,41% claimed they would be willing to continue in the field even if there were no opportunities for full-time employment.

- ​​​Moldenhauer, L., Londt, C., and le Grange, J. (2018) -

Working in the field of Education, Training and Development as a practitioner has many notable challenges. One of these factors is the dynamic of working on a contract basis.  For many industry employers, the position of the ETD practitioner is often not one in which they feel comfortable offering permanent positions.

In research surveys conducted by
Omni HR Consulting focus was put onto “Understanding the perceptions and expectations of Education, Training and Development Practitioners in South Africa”.

Questions asked related to perceptions of contract employment in lieu of more permanent agreements.  A total of 68 participating respondents, resulted in the following insights and findings:

  • 52,94% indicated that it is an exclusively contractual-based role
  • 38,24% believed that it is a contractual-based role with the possibility of full-time work.

​This shows that the perception from the perspective of the employees is one which is noticeably skewed in favour of transience rather than permanence. A possible result of this figure is one that involves the competitive nature of the industry. Responding to perceptions of competitiveness:

  • ​42,64% found the industry to be highly competitive
  • 27,94% found it to be competitive
  • 14,71% said it was partially competitive; and
  • only2,94% claimed it was not competitive at all

​What was highly encouraging is that:

  • ​97,06% indicated that they were passionate about ETD
  • 79,41% claimed they would be willing to continue in the field even if there were no opportunities for full-time employment.

​Lack of job security in this regard is probably seen as something that is a given and accepted by those who wish to enter the field. The statistics indicate that this dynamic does little to deter those already in the field.

  • ​93,65% of respondents claimed they were satisfied to be an ETD practitioner in South Africa
  • 6,35% indicated that they were not satisfied.

​Being an ETD practitioner in South Africa is not something that exists in a vacuum. There are external factors that affect everything in context. As such, a close eye needs to be kept on the role itself, as well as factors that influence the field including influences on employees, employers and clients.

Contributor: Greg Beyer
Researcher at Omni Academy for Education, Training and Development

Moldenhauer, L., Londt, C., and le Grange, J. (2018). Education, Training and Development Practitioners and the Entrepreneurship Model in Outcomes Based Adult Education in South Africa. Presented at 6th International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2018 (ICIE18) Washington.

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